

How can you put a limit on how soon is too soon to love someone?
I know many times I have questioned myself, "Is it too soon?" Feeling unsure, every time the word is about to slip from my tongue, I surrender and replace it with "like." However, "like" isn't the word I'm feeling; its something a little bit more than that...
...but is that "little bit" enough to deserve the word: Love.


Rai said...

I think it's possible to say it too soon.
Not everybody knows what true love is, they just think they do.

I know what you mean though. It was so awkward telling Martin [then when he was way retarded].
I remember the first time he told me. *blushes*

.rawkii said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. For instance, a lady I know who met a guy at the park and three days later, they're engaged. =|

Awww. Yeah, I usually keep it to myself until I get some sure signs they want to say it too. Sometimes, I feel like it could be too soon and other times, it doesn't come soon enough. Haha.

Jervis said...

simply if its more than like, automatically it is love. nothing in between, no matter what anyone says

Miss Wilson said...

I completely understand, especially the feeling of the word being on the tip of your tounge as you hold yourself back because it might not go along with society's "social clock" and when it's acceptable to be in love. I tend to say fxck society when it comes to this though haha.

.rawkii said...

Jervis: Hm, wow. Thanks. I will remember that.

t.t. stacey: Yeah, I mean, I think the main thing for me is I'm afraid it won't be reciprocated. =\

C i a . said...

oh shoot! I was definitely feeling around the same words you entered. I thought \ think its too soon. Because theres so much I haven't done. And I thought \ think that I need to actual spend a greater amount of time than I have to say that I love him. But yo I think I'm wrong! And what you typed explains it. . . somewhat anyway.

I don't know if you can say its too soon because if you love something than you do, ya know? Now being in love . . yep there can be a too soon for that.

Look like wearing a new nail polish and the color is great , like effin' awesome , poppin, can't touch this, on your nailbeds, with your complexion and you say you love it! Does 'Its not too soon is it?' cross your mind? Nope.

haha yes I def compared a bottle of nail polish to a human!

Shandra E...*the misses said...

TRUE LOVE should never be so ambiguous or confusing that it's overlooked, misunderstood or devalued when initially stated! So that being said, you always KNOW when it's too soon!! If you have to wonder...chances are, there's not enough security between the two "prospective lovers" & chances are one fears love will not be reciprocated...HOWEVER, TRUE LOVE is not so selfish that all it desires is reciprocation, because TRUE LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL!! So sometimes you ought to let your heart leak..whether it'll leave a stain or not?! So yess...it's too soon when/if you know the person WILL NOT know/understand what you mean without taking offense! Even if they can't feel the same, they shouldn't feel so confused, wondering Why you suddenly love them because love seems like a gimmick to "win them over"?! lots of factors contribute to this delimma so If too many factors have you feeling limited...you gotta ask yourself WHAT IS LOVE?! ; )

.rawkii said...

Whatcha: YES! "Love" and "In Love" are totally different, couldn't agree more. Haha @ the nail polish, I got you tho. =]

Shandra E.: Oh my, I think I will be stooped with that question for a while. =\
Good points tho. Things to tinker on...

Shandra E...*the misses said...

;)...my point exactly, we all are (stooped!)...so if the definition of love is unlimited, how can LOVE in its truest form suffer from limitations?! ;) which brings everything back to fear...so i guess the real question (to self) would be: am I afraid that it's too soon or am I afraid that he doesn't love me?! or perhaps i'm afraid that this is all one big confusion & love is yet to be found...
I always say that Love is not Blind, instead it has been blinfolded by those too eager to see for them selves. & that's not a blow to you, but a "Flag" to all. Love is Unlimited, so it's us...we come with all the boundaries =/